Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Getting Started

Do you remember when we all first learned to walk? Well we all know that we didn't just stand up and start walking like its nobody's business (mind you there are some exceptional folks out there that beg to differ). In fact, for us majority, we had stages we followed in order to achieve getting from point A to point B. First, rolling, crawling, then standing and eventually walking (along with all the notorious and expected falls). Well I'd like to think we humans have that with everything we do (that is stages we must achieve in order to succeed in a bigger way).

Today I have graduated to the standing phase of writing. I rolled by playing with words and jotting things down from time to time. Stayed close to the ground (whats familiar with me) in order to feel safe and just know that its possible to have another view. Then as time went by I reached the crawling stage. Here I started moving and having a destination or goal to go after even though I still stayed close to the ground (again my familiarities). Through this I gained insight, new perspectives and respect. Now, I stand tall, confident enough to share and say "this is me, here I am." With standing comes falls and mishaps so bare with me as I start to take my first steps in blogging and writing in new dimension. I am not going to be Usain Bolt (take off and be highly successful right away) but I'd like to think I can take one step forward into a bright and rewarding direction. I don't have a goal or destination because I just want to go walking (enjoy the journey) see where my legs can take me. In this case, I want to see where my writing, dreams, thoughts, and ideas can lead me.

So I invite you to come and be a part of it. Indulge, inquire and inspire me and others to raise their voice and speak out their truths as I am starting to do today!

Have a Blessed Day.

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