Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Walk In My Shoes

Two years ago this month, I was in Ethiopia volunteering at an orphanage. I worked with kids and staff doing various things from playing, to teaching to developmenting projects. One of the things I taught was Perspectives in Adoption from One Adoptees View. I never taught that through this I'd learn just as much as the staff did. In a lot of countries including America people do not understand adoption and adoptees. Much is stereotyped, mythical and/or greatly misunderstood. Like many other facets of life, adoption has its good and bad. That is a whole nother discussion to be had. For now I'd love to give readers a chance to feel what I feel not today but everyday. Sometimes its very apparent others it never crosses my forefront (needless to say its still in the back of my mind). I am sure that many others feel the same way as I do.

So if your ready take out a sheet of paper and have a pen.

1. Trace your hand onto the paper.

2. Number your fingers as followed: (1) thumb, (2) pointer (3) middle (4) ring finger and (5) pinkie

3. Now put that aside for a minute and close your eyes. Think about someone you love so much. This person has played a huge part in your life and you know them real well. Keep their image in your mind.

4. Now grab your paper, in finger 2 describe the person (eyes, height, age, physical description so anyone could pick them out of a crowd).

5. In finger 3 write down a memory you and this person share/d.

6. In finger 4 write down something they liked and didn't like.

7. In finger 5 write down something they said that stuck/sticks to you like glue.

8. In finger 1 write down the persons name you just described and thought about during this exercise.

Chances are you wrote down your spouse/partner or a parent if not a very close relative.
I want to tell you are very lucky to have the privilege to have the ability to write all that. You also have the ability or had the ability to have the hand become real and use it to show love and affection with that person.

As an adoptee, I have nothing to write about regarding my parents. But I do have one connection to them and that is my hand (I am theirs). I am alive and breathing here writing to you. I am privileged to have had the upbringing I have had. Hold people close and cherish them even if they come and go or you have each other for a moment.Lastly, know what you had and have at all times.

So I just gave you my shoes...walk lightly. Know even I don't know where I'm going or where I come from but I know I'm moving. That has to count for something.

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